Healthy Crustless Quiche

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Eggs. Need I say more? Put that silly cholesterol scare to rest and just enjoy the little buggers. A couple every now and then won’t hurt ya. In fact, I am sure they will make you quite happy.

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Like all animal meats, I really try to eat eggs that are humanely raised, antibiotic free and locally produced, when possible. My super awesome roomie at work (aka coolest social worker ever – shout out!) has chickens so I score some local eggs from her pretty much weekly. Check out this double yolk I got one week!

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So tonight, it’s an easy night. One filled with leftover orzo and quiche that holds a plethora of veggies – broccoli, onion, tomato and peas. A touch of ricotta salata cheese on top and viola, dinner is served.

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What do you like to put in your quiche?

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Author:Ashley Galloway

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